Friday, July 11, 2008


Because the rest of the house is still being remodelled, the four of us sleep in the master's bedroom. I wait for them to fall asleep and sneak out and go to my room to make a phone call. My room, dusty and messy, feels so comforting and I dust a small part of the bed so I can sit down and call you.

"Hey," you say. Your voice. My heart swells with longing.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Mood Swing

He questioned me, "Can you ride anything?"
Lord do you mean like your mood swings.
- Tori Amos

He doesn't like the food and it ruins it a little for me. These things I eat in silence: roti and curry dip, soup, callos, chili stuffed with cheese.

I order more of my favorite things wondering why I don't feel full.

He makes a face and I feel so much bitterness. I think, just moments ago he was happy. Why does he do this.

The restaurant changes and there are more people and before I can tell him what I really think he's gone.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Secret Cathedral

It's been so long that we both have long hair again. You're busy and I watch you patiently, thinking of all the things I will tell you. I want to tell you that I've gotten our money changed and that up the hill is a secret cathedral and that you should come with me because I want you to take a picture of me. I want to tell you about your groupies who didn't think I could see them. They followed you around and charted your every move. They giggled to each other and ogled you. I want ask you if you remember this girl who had a crush on you and was hateful towards me. I was always nice to her anyways but this is what I want to tell you: Today I told your groupies off. I told them to get lost because, hay, they were ugly like that hateful girl but I was just too nice to say back then.

Ah, here you come. I want to tell you that I love you and that I'm happy. And that with all this money we will see the secret cathedral and maybe run away.