Sunday, December 24, 2006

Rene Villanueva's Class

We lay on the bed there.
Kissing just for practice.
- Belle and Sebastian, "Seeing Other People"

Part One

After Rene Villanueva's class, I'm so elated that I fly around the field. I experiment with means of take-off. Running, skipping, piroueting... My favorite is me taking a few steps back, tipping back until I think I am going to fall but the air catches me and I am in flight.

I do this for too long and even when I hear the bell ring I carry on flying. It's too good I can't stop!

I'm late for class and they ask me to fill out an excuse slip. Under "Reason for tardiness" I write "Flying."

Part Two

Time has come for us to act out the plays written in Rene Villanueva's class. J and I are cast in the lead roles.

The play's climax goes something like:

Boy: This is what I have to tell you.
Girl: (Looks tense. Hand goes to table behind her for support.) I thought it was good news? It doesn't look like good news.
Boy: (Pauses. Clears throat.) It was me.

But during practice it comes out like this:

Boy: This is what I have to tell you.
Girl: (Looks tense. Hand goes to table behind her for support.) I thought it was good news? It doesn't look like good news.
Boy: (Takes two giant steps toward Girl and kisses her on the mouth. It's a long, long kiss.) It was me.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Reading Braille

Sockie, Cheng and I arrive at the old house. We explore it and get to know it again. Places of it are dark and derelict but we don't mind. I touch the walls, the bannisters, the doors like a blind person reading braille.

Upstairs is the gallery. I look at the pictures. Sockie, Cheng and I. No one else. It means it's our house now.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

At the Moment

I'm sorry I haven't been in touch. It's so nice of you to meet me. So. Well. Here we are. Is he looking? Sphinx?


Never mind.

Is it true what I heard?

Yes, of course it is which is partly why I needed to talk to you. Remember the elevators?


There. That's all I can say at the moment but do you understand?
