Friday, June 16, 2006

Excitement, Conspiracy, Love

When the rain poured and people who were partying in the streets came inside the hotel, a beautiful stranger pulled me aside for a kiss.

But there was too much jostling and an almost-stampede and we got separated but as I was making my way to my room, there he was again. Smiling and beckoning, "Here, follow me, come."

And I giggled from excitement, from conspiracy, from so much love.

He opened a door to the hotel's ballroom and we danced the waltz the whole night. There in that ballroom -- gold gilded everything, ceilings as high as the sky, and mirrors all around for me to watch the beautiful stranger and myself glide, glide, glide.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Just One, "Bang!"

I chase The Enemy into The Twilight Hotel. I'm wearing my new pink shoes so I don't run very fast but I know that I should've because he steps into the elevator and winks lecherously at me as the elevator slowly closes.

This is when David steps in -- literally out of nowhere. He's wearing a gangster suit and a gangster hat and with one lovely move of his gangster hand he stops the elevator doors from closing.

Wow, I think, that's so sexy.

And David lights a cigarette, just as he always does before a kill, before he pulls his gun. Then I hear it. Just one, "bang!"

Thursday, June 08, 2006


We don't need no education. We don't need no thought control.

I turn cold when they tell me they have revoked my college degree because I failed to show up for Algeb101 that one term I was supposed to and to prove it they show me an old copy of my EAF. I explain to them that I have in fact completed my Algeb101 and that my grade was, uhm, a 1.0 but still I passed and that counts as completed, right? The very idea! After all these years! They could've talked to me about this ten years ago when I was still a student!

They say I don't understand. I must take it now before it's too late. They give me my EAF and say, "Here, read it carefully this time."

So, since I have no choice, I try to find that stupid class but I keep misreading the time, the room, the time, the room, the time, the room. I give up and wonder how to break it to my parents that I haven't graduated from college after all!